Europass Statistics

The European Commission provides anonymised statistics on the visitors and use of the Europass platform. This page is only available in English.

Discover how many people visited Europass during the last months.
Total visits in 2020: 12.8 million
Total visits in 2021: 23.4 million

Discover how many people visited Europass during the last months.
Total visits in 2020: 12.8 million
Total visits in 2021: 23.4 million

Discover how many people visited Europass during the last months.
Total visits in 2020: 12.8 million
Total visits in 2021: 23.4 million

The number of Europass profiles per month refers to the number of registered users (who have at least one profile).
Total number of registered users: 6.527.199

Discover the age composition of the Europass users.

Discover the nationality of the Europass users.

The number of Europass profiles per language refers to the total number of profiles existing in each language (one user could have multiple profiles).

Discover the language skills of Europass users.

Top digital skills

Language skills

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